Yuma Hamfest February 14-15, 2025 - Yuma County Fairgrounds



If you are just planning on attending the hamfest, there is nothing more to do. Because we only charge $15.00 admission, there is no advanced registration for attendees. Attendee registration occurs at the event. Just bring some cash with you, and you can sign up at the event.

A la Carte Pricing:

If you plan to attend the hamfest, and camp or tailgate, please be aware we use "a la carte" pricing. If you want access to the exhibits and seminars, you pay admission. If you camp, you pay for camping. If you tailgate, you pay for tailgating. Some people will do all three and therefore pay for all three.

Campers and Tailgaters:

All RVers and tailgaters are provided spots on a first-come, first-serve basis upon arrival. Arrive early to get the spot you like; no RVs will be allowed into the tailgating / camping area of the fairgrounds prior to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday.  Will continue the 2022 practice of allowing to dry camping in the south fairgrounds parking lot off of 32nd Street on Wednesday night.  You will be required to pay for an additional $35.00 camp night for the privilege. If you plan on camping Wednesday night please include an additional night when you register for camping.  Otherwise, we will wake you up very early Thursday morning to collect $35.00. 

Check the Tailgating / Camping Layout for a layout of the fairgrounds (note the camping spaces in blue). Please remember tailgaters and/or campers still have to pay admission. Check the Hamfest Fees for the costs for camping and tailgating (registering early saves you money).


Commercial vendors need to check the Vendor Booth Layout in the Theater Building. The availability of a booth space is indicated by its color. Check for green booth spaces on the layout for available booth spaces. There are a total of 66 vendor spaces, each being 10' x 10' in size. Red spaces are already taken, yellow spaces are waiting for payment, while green spaces are still available. Availability of spaces is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you want your choice of space in the main hall, you must register early. Although not every year, the vendor spaces often sell out.

The first 10' x 10' vendor space is supplied with one 8-foot table and two chairs at a cost of $75. Additional tables are available for $5 each on an as-available basis.  Each additional space is $60. To keep costs down, spaces do not come with the usual convention draperies and piping. If you want them, vendors are responsible for providing their own table draperies. Vendors requiring power to their space must also supply their own extension cords. Vendor spaces along outside walls can use outlets on those walls. Inside row spaces can run extension cords to electrical boxes dropped from the ceiling.

To get the vendor space you want, please register early. After you have selected the booth number(s) that you would like, please proceed to the online registration form. Vendor spaces will be processed in the order they are received.

Vendors should also check the Commercial Vendor Rules and Regulations.